Author: Sam Waterson

Coherence Series: Us vs. Them

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 2, Section D of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective I’ve heard the goofiest comments about competitors on campuses, most of it fueled by rumor: “They’re not as academic as we are.” “We’re more ‘Christian’ than they…Read more

Coherence Series: Why Are Your Competitors Here?

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 2, Section C of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective Knowing your own mission well and unpacking its meaning is essential to your success in achieving coherence. Living out your mission with coherence builds the trustworthiness your…Read more

Coherence Series: You Have Competitors—Who Are They?

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 2, Section B of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective In an “ivory tower” universe, institutions of higher ed have traditionally avoided language or concepts that reflect business or sales practices. That is certainly changing as more…Read more

Coherence Series: One and Only

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 2, Section A of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective Good news: your market position is something you can choose. You determine who you intend to be when compared to other options in the market. By the…Read more

Coherence Series: Core Values

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 1, Section C of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective You’ve heard it said dozens, maybe hundreds, of times: Actions speak louder than words. That’s true about your institution. Your mission may include flowery or highfalutin language…Read more

Coherence Series: Mission Revisited

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 1, Section B of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective As we have suggested, the starting point for your path to coherence is your mission statement. Your declared mission is the singularly most significant statement in determining your current…Read more

Coherence Series: Know Your Mission

written by Sam Waterson

The following is Module 1, Section A of a series called Coherence, introducing key strategies that will enable you to market your institution more coherently. Overview and Objective By the end of this section, you will have a deeper understanding of your institution’s mission.  Key Points As part of our research for our clients in…Read more

Are Silos to Blame or Flawed Organizational Design? Why We Should Move Beyond Talking About Higher Ed Silos

written by Sam Waterson

The Silo Metaphor Oversimplifies to a Fault   The use of the silo metaphor typically serves as a call for more collaboration. We often talk about silos as barriers to activating student centeredness or being more collectively mission directed. Those are noble and correct motivations. But talking about a lack of institutional alignment by faulting…Read more