Our Work In Practice

University of Texas Permian Basin Student Success Implementation


UT Permian Basin managed multiple systems for student information and had no mechanism to pull these disparate data elements together, creating confusion for current students. Without a centralized experience, students found themselves lost on the University’s website in an attempt to find appropriate resources related to financial aid, advising, administration and course details. The institution wanted to improve the student experience but was unsure of where to start.


RHB completed a virtual analysis of UT Permian Basin’s current ecosystem to analyze various datapoints necessary for infrastructure configuration in Slate and the best mechanism for exchanging data between systems. Upon completion of this analysis, RHB hosted an onsite with the University’s team to better understand processes and needs from a technology and process perspective, engaging key stakeholders from IT and enrollment. Ultimately, RHB designed a solution that configured Slate as a centralized data hub, allowing the institution to surface key information quickly for current students through a gated (SSO) portal. While the ultimate goal was the development of an intuitive, beautiful student portal, RHB first had to develop the necessary mechanisms for data storage and management in Slate. Working with the team at UT Permian Basin to understand data infrastructure in other systems, our team was able to devise a solution that allowed for clean aggregation of elements so they are accessible administratively in Slate (allowing for updates, where applicable). Additionally, our team developed custom communications and other modules in the system geared at further integrating student success solutions within Slate.


When the core configuration for implementation was complete, RHB moved into development of a custom portal, complete with design and full front-end development. Our talented team of experts established an unparalleled student experience in Slate, easing navigation, surfacing important data for students and removing hurdles toward degree completion for students across campus.

“RHB helped us fully realize our goal to give students a usable experience and have Slate act as the translator for their data from our Student Information System into a more human language that a student can digest. Our students have loved the change, and how transparently their data is displayed now. And our staff love having a simple way to help students navigate their data from the springboard of this student portal.”

—David Gosbee, Associate Director of Admissions Technology

Student Success Portal
RHB Services Engaged:
Student Success Readiness Assessment, RHB Student Success Implementation for Slate, Slate Student Experience Portal