
When we’re not actively solving higher education challenges, we’re thinking about them.

And writing about them. And reading about them. And talking about them. Collected here are the insights and resources that we’ve developed to help inspire colleges and universities toward greater relevance, including blog posts, white papers, presentations, videos and worksheets.

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Transport Yourself With RHB’s Annual Summer Reading List

July 14, 2023

written by Rob Zinkan

This year, we’ve got some summer reading picks that have some heft to them and capture a broad array of interests. With two doctoral students represented among our pickers here, we’re excited to show off what they’re working on and pondering at the same time we give you some options for thinking about how music…Read more

Institutional Strategic Planning and the Under-Leveraged Capability of Advancement

February 2, 2023

written by Rob Zinkan

One objective of RHB’s study of 108 current strategic plans was to bring a constituent-oriented lens to this research. Faculty, staff and administrators play a central role in strategic planning. What about other core constituencies—students, alumni, donors and other stakeholders—and the functional areas responsible for them? For instance, we have previously discussed research implications for…Read more

Governance Part III: Database Strategy and Progress

January 23, 2023

written by Megan Miller

Senior Technology Consultant Megan Miller concludes this series on Slate Governance. Over the course of my time at RHB, I’ve worked in more than 100 Slate databases. In terms of complexity and functionality, I’ve collaborated on developing everything from straightforward undergraduate admissions instances to Slate databases with hundreds of graduate degrees to systems for K-12…Read more

Governance Part II: Data Management and Your Database

December 6, 2022

written by Josh Henry

Earlier this year, we published Part I of a three part series on data governance and database management. In our first article, Alex Williams discussed the differences between data governance and database management and the importance of building solid teams and processes within your campus, specifically surrounding your CRM. Continuing that conversation, Josh Henry dives…Read more

Inspiration, Reflection, Recharging: RHB’s Annual Summer Reading List

July 5, 2022

written by Rob Zinkan

In higher education, when summer comes the work doesn’t stop. It takes a new seasonal shape. We hope you have been able to get away from work for a little while and spend time reconnecting with the people, activities and ideas that matter most to you. Even when you can’t travel, books can reliably take…Read more

Data Governance Versus Data Management

May 26, 2022

written by Alex Williams

Over the last four years, RHB has engaged hundreds of institutions in their strategic implementation and use of Technolutions Slate. Our activity in this space affords our team a unique vantage point on team structures, procedures and campus politics that often inform (or disinform) a successful build or independent project in Slate. During my first…Read more

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