Tag: Slate

10 Fears Stifling Innovation in Higher Education

written by Rick Bailey

As Lee Gardner noted in “The Barriers to Innovation” in The Chronicle of Higher Education ( 2019 ), “universities often flounder at innovation because they are not really meant to change.” The notion that institutions are inflexible is disconcerting at best. If innovation is considered impossible, no incentive exists to even imagine change. Nonetheless, outdated approaches and…Read more


written by Alex Williams

Just a few weeks ago I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a number of uninterrupted days at the beach with my family. The beach is my favorite spot; it’s always just what I need to disconnect and recharge.  During my time there, in between the boogie boards and boardwalk fries, I found myself in…Read more

Slate Summit Recommendations for 2022

written by Megan Miller

The 2022 Slate Innovation Summit is almost here, and after a forced three-year hiatus for this in-person event due to the pandemic, the RHB team is eagerly anticipating our time in Nashville with the larger Slate community. As veteran attendees, we’ve learned a lot over the years about how to make the most of this…Read more

Data Governance Versus Data Management

written by Alex Williams

Over the last four years, RHB has engaged hundreds of institutions in their strategic implementation and use of Technolutions Slate. Our activity in this space affords our team a unique vantage point on team structures, procedures and campus politics that often inform (or disinform) a successful build or independent project in Slate. During my first…Read more

Interest or Intent? Part III: What Is Engagement?

written by Megan Miller

Over the past several weeks, Rick Bailey and I have explored the contrast between interest and intent for both our prospect and applicant pools. Rick kicked this off, reminding us that for students, interest and intent are entirely different mindsets; if we’re hoping to better understand our enrollment funnel, equating the two does a fundamental…Read more