Author: Caroline Diggins

Why—and How—Should You Create and Market a Sub-Brand?

written by Caroline Diggins

Naming opportunities are important for the financial health of most institutions. Partially because of this, a proliferation of sub-brands (distinct but related offshoots from the parent brand) often exists—by necessity—on most college and university campuses. For example, Indiana University is well known for its Jacobs School of Music; Northwestern for the Kellogg School of Management…Read more

Say What You Mean

written by Caroline Diggins

E.B. White and William Strunk, in their simple and seminal writing manual, give some sage advice: “Omit needless words.” The best way to say something is also the most direct way to say something. Yet often, in our quest to omit “needless” words, we omit the right words entirely and rely on jargon-powered insider shorthand instead.…Read more