Author: Josh Henry

Why You Should Attend RHB Academy

written by Josh Henry

There are many ways to Slate, and the best way to Slate is to Slate together. Likewise, there are many ways to learn, and one of the best ways to learn is through in-person, hands-on instruction. RHB is excited to offer you an opportunity to do both. RHB is pleased to announce that we will…Read more

Governance Part II: Data Management and Your Database

written by Josh Henry

Earlier this year, we published Part I of a three part series on data governance and database management. In our first article, Alex Williams discussed the differences between data governance and database management and the importance of building solid teams and processes within your campus, specifically surrounding your CRM. Continuing that conversation, Josh Henry dives…Read more

An Introduction to Advancement, Thanks to Slate

written by Josh Henry

My first experience with the day-to-day operations and technology needs of an institutional advancement office came through working with Slate at Technolutions. In 2019, an institution that I worked with through their implementation of Slate for admission made the decision to implement Slate for advancement in their existing database. Despite my strong knowledge of using…Read more